Contact Us


Individual services offered through Your Office Coach are described on the “Career Services” page of this website.  Corporate and small business services services are described on the “Corporate Services” page.

For any questions about Office Coach services, contact Marie McIntyre at

Marie McIntyre has been quoted in many national publications including Fortune, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Canadian Business, and CNBC online.  She has also been interviewed on radio and television .

To schedule an interview, contact Marie at

Unless otherwise stated, the copyright to all materials on the Your Office Coach website is owned by Marie G. McIntyre, all rights reserved.

Materials may be reproduced for personal non-commercial use with the following attribution: “Copyright Marie G. McIntyre, Ph.D., . Reprinted with permission.

For any type of commercial use – including, but not limited to, books, articles, workshops counseling, teaching, career coaching, & certifications – permission must be obtained.  Please contact Marie McIntyre at

We love to share our materials!  So permission is usually granted.  However, we strongly believe in the protection of intellectual property, so please ask first. 

One thing that we do NOT permit, however, is the reproduction of our topic pages on another website.  This would reduce our web traffic, since our articles would show up elsewhere in search results.