This quiz provides a general idea of your extraverted or introverted tendencies. The styles are described at the end of the quiz. (NOTE: A Quick Quiz does not substitute for a formal psychological assessment.)

For each item, distribute 3 points between choices (A) and (B). Use whole numbers, not 1.5. Example: If you feel that (A) is almost always true of you, then give 3 points to (A) and none to (B). If (A) is often true, but (B) is also sometimes true, then give 2 points to (A) and 1 point to (B).

Points for A“A” ItemsPoints for B“B” Items
1. At parties, I tend to talk a lot.1. At parties, I tend to listen a lot.
2. People view me as lively and outgoing.2. People view me as calm and reserved.
3. I express my opinions openly.3. I keep my opinions to myself.;
4. People think I am easy to get to know.4. People think I am hard to get to know.
5. I enjoy social gatherings where I can meet lots of new people.5. I enjoy being home alone and having time to myself.
6. I tend to speak before I think.6. I tend to think before I speak.
7. On a plane, I enjoy talking with people I don’t know.7. On a plane, I prefer not to talk to people.
8. Spending too much time alone makes me tired.8. Spending too much time with other people makes me tired.
9. When I have a decision to make, I like to talk it over with other people.9. When I have a decision to make, I like to think it through on my own.
10. In my neighborhood or apartment complex, I know many people.10. In my neighborhood or apartment complex, I know a few people.
Total Points for ATotal Points for B

Your total scores can range from 0 to 30. The “A” items are more typical of Extraverts, while the “B” items are more typical of Introverts. If you have a high score (20-30) in one category, then you may be likely to use that style most of the time. A moderate score (10-20) in both categories may mean that you tend to be introverted in some situations and extraverted in others.

The higher your score, the more you are likely to have the extraverted or introverted characteristics described below. In general, Extraverts are more outwardly focused, while Introverts are more inwardly focused. Here are some common differences between these two styles. (NOTE: A Quick Quiz does not substitute for a formal psychological assessment.)

Problem SolvingTend to think out loud. Do their best thinking while talking. Prefer to bounce ideas off others. Like to use meetings and group discussions to solve problems.Tend to process information internally. Do their best thinking quietly and alone. Want to develop their views before discussing an issue.
CommunicationPrefer face-to-face communication if at all possible. Like to see reactions and non-verbal behavior. Want immediate feedback. Don’t like writing long emails or memos.Prefer emails and voice messages. Avoid unnecessary interaction. Don’t like to waste time with discussion. Prefer to think before reacting. Dislike long meetings.
Decision MakingGet input from others before making decisions. Want to act quickly in a crisis.Comfortable making independent decisions. Want time to reflect before acting.
Interpersonal InteractionSeek out opportunities to talk and socialize. Are energized by interaction and feel drained by too much time alone. Usually know lots of people.Seek out opportunities for quiet and solitude. Feel drained by too much interaction and need time alone to recharge. Budget their “people time” carefully.
Concentration & FocusMore focused on people and things around them. Have trouble concentrating when quiet. Get bored if they have to sit and focus too long on one thing. Don’t mind interruptionsMore focused on internal thoughts and ideas. Often carry on an internal dialogue. Enjoy quietly focusing on one thing at a time. Are annoyed by interruptions.
Natural StrengthsEnergizing people and groups. Taking immediate action. Creating a sense of excitement. Introducing people to othersCalming people and groups. Assessing the situation before acting. Listening to the ideas of others. Taking independent action
Natural WeaknessesFailing to give others space to talk. Not listening to input from others. Not putting things in writing. Acting without thinkingFailing to share their thoughts. Not asking for input from others. Relying too much on writing. Taking too long to act
How They Annoy OthersBy talking too much and failing to provide opportunities for others to get into the conversation.By failing to share their thoughts, join in discussions, or react to what is said by others.
How They Are MisunderstoodMay be mistakenly viewed as self-centered and uninterested in others.May be mistakenly viewed as aloof, shy, or unfriendly.

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