This Quick Quiz provides a general idea of whether you are more focused on tasks or relationships. The styles are described at the end of the quiz. (NOTE: A Quick Quiz does not substitute for a formal psychological assessment.)

For each item, distribute 3 points between choices (A) and (B). Use whole numbers, not 1.5.
Example: If you feel that (A) is almost always true, give 3 points to (A) and none to (B).
If (A) is often true, but (B) is also sometimes true, then give 2 points to (A) and 1 point to (B).

Points for A“A” ItemsPoints for B“B” Items
1. On my own time, I tend to work first and socialize later.1. On my own time, I tend to socialize first and work later.
2. I prefer projects that I can complete through my own efforts.2. I prefer projects that combine the efforts of several people.
3. I enjoy talking about projects.3. I enjoy talking about people.
4. In an argument, I think people should logically discuss the issues.4. In an argument, I think people should express their true feelings.
5. In meetings, I like to get right to work and avoid “small talk”.5. In meetings, I like to have time to get acquainted or “catch up” with people.
6. In conversations, I tend to focus on the facts being discussed.6. In conversations, I tend to focus on the feelings being expressed.
7. People might describe my communication style as direct and to-the-point.7. People might describe my communication style as warm and friendly.
8. I like meetings to be focused and businesslike.8. I like meetings to be casual and not too serious.
9. I would prefer to be recognized for my individual accomplishments.9. I would prefer to be recognized as part of a group effort.
10. When I need information to make a decision, I prefer to consult an expert.10. When I need information to make a decision, I prefer to ask people that I know.
Total Points for ATotal Points for B

Your total scores can range from 0 to 30.  The “A” items are more typical of task-focused people, while the “B” items are more typical of relationship-focused people.

If you have a high score (20-30) in one category, then you may be likely to use that style most of the time. A moderate score (10-20) in both categories may mean that you tend to be focused on tasks in some situations and people in others.

The higher your score, the more you are likely to have the “taskmaster” or “socializer” characteristics described below. In general, Taskmasters focus on the work to be done, while Socializers focus on the people doing it. Here are some common differences between these two styles. (NOTE: A Quick Quiz does not substitute for a formal psychological assessment.)

CommunicationAre direct and to the point. Focus on the task to be done or issue to be resolved. Don’t like to waste time on chit-chat.Like communication to be warm and personal. Take time to get to know people or catch up before getting down to work.
Decision MakingLike to get decisions made quickly so that they can get on with the work.Want to be sure that everyone has a chance to be involved in the decision process.
Problem SolvingGather the facts to try to get to the root cause of the issue as quickly as possible.Get people involved in discussing the issue. Try to understand everyone’s perspective.
Interpersonal InteractionMost interaction is related to some project or task. May enjoy working with people, but don’t like socializing for the sake of socializing.View work as a way to connect with people. Enjoy work because of the opportunities it provides for interaction.
Conflict ManagementView disagreements as a normal part of work. Get mad, then get over it and move on to the next task. May adamantly express a point of view without being angry.View work disagreements as personal. Remember conflicts for a long time. May avoid conflict for fear of harming relationships. Try to mend relationships after conflicts.
Natural StrengthsGets a group focused on the task to be accomplished. Good at setting goals, developing action steps, creating timelines, getting decisions made.Helps to build positive relationships in a group. Sees that everyone is included and feels like part of the team. Encourages people to participate and share ideas.
Natural WeaknessesMay fail to take enough time to build relationships or manage conflicts. Can drive people so hard that they lose motivation and interest. May fail to consider other points of view.May get too caught up in relationship “issues” and get feelings hurt too easily. Can spend too much time socializing and take too long to get to work. May be too easily influenced by others.
How They Annoy OthersBy allowing no time for relaxation, socializing, or fun.By taking too long to get to the point or get down to work.
How They Are MisunderstoodMay be mistakenly viewed as unconcerned about other people.May be mistakenly viewed as not serious about the work.

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